Staff Documents

Bitsmith Classroom / Staff Documents

“Manage staff-related tasks such as attendance, leaves, and 

payroll in a streamlined manner.”

Why use Staff Document Feature ?


Improved Document Management.
The Staff Document Module streamlines document management for staff, saving time and reducing manual effort.


Integrated HR Management

Manage all aspects of HR with our comprehensive solution

Automated document storage and retrieval

Customizable categorization and search refers to the ability to categorize and search for information based on specific criteria set by the user.

Secure access control

To the measures and systems put in place to ensure that only authorized individuals are able to access sensitive information or systems.

Customizable categorization and search

Customizable categorization and search is a feature that allows users to categorize and organize information based on their own specific criteria, and then search for that information using their custom categories.

Enhanced Collaboration


The Staff Document Module also facilitates collaboration among staff members, allowing for easy sharing and commenting on documents.
Improved teamwork and increased productivity.