Staff Profiler

Bitsmith Classroom / Staff Profiler

“Access Comprehensive Staff Information, including
Academic Records, in One Convenient Location with the Staff Profiler.”

Why use Staff Profiler module?

The Staff Profiler module provides a comprehensive and centralised platform for managing and organising staff information. With just a few clicks, you can access and update staff profiles, track performance, and monitor important data such as qualifications, experience, and skills.


Staff Profiler's Main Benefits


Centralized and Seamless Staff Information Management

Centralized Staff Information

Access all staff information in one place

Easy Profile Updating

Update staff profiles with just a few clicks.

Improved Data Accuracy

Ensure that all staff information is accurate and up-to-date.

Track and Monitor Staff Performance


The Staff Profiler module also provides powerful performance tracking and monitoring tools, helping you to stay on top of staff performance and ensure that your team is operating at its best. With real-time data and customizable reporting, you can easily monitor staff performance and identify areas for improvement.