Student Work

Bitsmith Classroom / Student Work

“The Student Work module makes it easy for students to submit
their work and for teachers to grade and provide feedback.”

Why use Student Work feature?

Bring Out the Best in Your Students.
The Student Work module makes it easy for students to submit their work and for teachers to grade and provide feedback. With an intuitive user interface, students can easily upload and submit their assignments, while teachers can review and grade submissions.



Robust Grading System

Efficiently grade and provide feedback on student work with our
grading system

Intuitive User Interface

Increased efficiency: Automated notifications can save time and increase efficiency, as users no longer need to manually check for new submissions, grades, or feedback.

Easy Feedback and Grading

With easy feedback and grading, teachers can save time and increase their productivity, as they can quickly and easily review student submissions and assign grades.

Automated Notifications

Increased efficiency: Automated notifications help to reduce manual effort and increase efficiency, as teachers and students can be automatically alerted of important updates and deadlines, without having to check the system manually.

Empower Your Students with Access to their Work


With the Student Work module, students have access to all their submissions and grades in one convenient location. This helps students stay organized and on top of their work, and gives them the ability to view their progress and receive feedback from teachers.
