How Can A Teacher Guardian Use The Bitsmith Classroom App?

In this guide, we will learn to use the app in Teacher Guardian access on Bitsmith Classroom app.

Note: Teacher Guardian has same accesses like a Class Teacher, except for “Lectures” option.



Kindly, install Bitsmith Classroom app or your institute’s classroom app on your device. Make sure that you have a Teacher Guardian access or it’s credentials.

Step 1 — Login using Teacher Guardian Access

After logging in, you might be asked about the class/division you are the Teacher Guardian of. Choose the respective class.

Step 2 — Observe all tabs

You will now be able to access all options, like Attendance, Materials, Notices, Results, Staff, Students, My Information, Tools.

Teacher Guardian Home Page

Step 3 — Choose the respective subject

If you want to check attendance, click on “Attendances” and select the subject/practical you want to check for. Similarly, check “Materials” and “Results”.

Step 4- Click on “Staff” or “Students” to check their information.

If you wish to add any staff’s information. Click on “Add” at the bottom right corner and enter respective details.

Student Information Page



Through this article, we learnt to use the Classroom app using a Teacher Guardian’s access.