How To Create Student Account In Bitsmith Classroom App?

In this guide, we will learn to create Student Account on Bitsmith Classroom app.


Kindly open bitsmith website  on your browser. Make sure that you are having Class Teacher access.

Kindly have Bitsmith Classroom app or your institute’s classroom app installed on your device. Make sure that you are having Class Teacher access.

Step 1 — Enter Respective Access

You can see Class Teacher access for your Institute. Select the access, you will be able to view different options including Attendance, Batches, Leaves etc.

Step 2 — Choose “Students”

After opening Students, you will be able to see New button at the bottom. Tap on it.

Step 3 — Fill The Information

Fill the information that is being asked, and after click on Create Button.

Step 4 — Click on “okay”

A Pop Up window will be opened after clicking create button check for all the information and click Ok .

After you create a student, student profiler table will be updated with newly added students data and class teacher will be able to view newly added student’s data in the table.


In this guide, we’ve learnt to create a student’s account by using the Class Teacher access in Bitsmith Classroom App.