
Bitsmith Classroom / Notice

“Effortlessly communicate updates and news to students”

Why use our Notice module?


The Notice module of Bitsmith Classroom allows teachers to easily and efficiently communicate updates, news, and other important information to students. With its user-friendly interface, teachers can reach all students at once, ensuring everyone is kept informed and up-to-date.

Notice Module's Top Capabilities

Enhance your communication process with the following features:

Centralized Communication

The “Notice” module provides a centralised platform for teachers to communicate updates, news, and other important information to students.

Efficient communication

The “Notice” module allows teachers to reach all students at once, saving time and increasing efficiency compared to traditional methods of communication such as email or in-person announcements.


By allowing teachers to easily share and collaborate on notices, the “Notice” module can help to improve collaboration and teamwork within the educational environment.

Engage Students with Relevant Information


The Notice module also benefits students by providing them with a centralised platform for accessing and keeping track of important updates and news. With its user-friendly interface, students can easily stay informed and engaged in their learning experience.