How Can A Principal Check Information/Updates About Any Department?

This article is for Principal on how to view information/updates about any department on Classroom App.

In this guide, we will learn how to check information/updates about any department on Bitsmith Classroom as a Principal. You can click on different departments shown on the home page to view all the information about a department.



Kindly have Bitsmith Classroom app or your institute’s classroom app installed on your device. Make sure that you are having a Principal access.

Step 1 — Enter Principal Access


You can see principal access for your Institute. Select the access. You will be able to view different options including departments, notices, profiler, staff profiler, etc.

Principal access page

Step 2 — Choose Departments


After opening Departments, you will see all the departments in your institute. Tap on a department. All the Classrooms under that department will be visible.

Departments Page

Step 3 — Tap on Classroom


This is the final step for viewing the information. Tap on the respective classroom and you will be able to view different options including Attendances, Notices, Staff, Students, etc.

Classrooms Page


In this guide, we learnt how a Principal can check information/updates about any department.