How Can The Teacher Guardian Check Uploaded Study Materials In The Bitsmith Classroom App?

This article is a guide for how to check study materials using Teacher Guardian’s access in the Classroom App.

In this guide, we will how learn to check study materials using Teacher Guardian’s access using the Bitsmith Classroom app.


Kindly, install 
Bitsmith Classroom app or your institute’s classroom app on your device. Make sure that you have Teacher Guardian’s access.

Step 1 — Enter Respective Access Of Given Classroom

As here we are using Teacher Guardian’s access here. Login using your respective credentials. Click on the name of your Institute. Here our institute’s name is SKNCOE, Vadgaon.

Step 2 — Click On ” Materials”

After clicking on Materials, you’ll be able to view the list of subjects present in your respective classroom. Then, click on the subject you wish see the uploaded study materials of. Hence, after clicking on the subject, you’ll find the respective file/document related to that subject.



In this guide, we learnt how to view the uploaded study materials by a Teacher Guardian in Classroom App.