How To Create A Notice On Bitsmith Classroom App?

This article is for creating Notice on Classroom App.

In this guide, we will learn to create a notice using Bitsmith Classroom. You can use notice feature for creating new notices and to view already created notices.



Kindly have Bitsmith Classroom app or your institute’s classroom app installed on your device. Make sure that you are having either a Principal accessHOD access or Class Teacher access.

Step 1 — Enter Respective Access

ou can see principal access for your Institute. Select the access, you will be able to view different options including departments, notices, profiler, staff profiler, etc.
Principal access page

Step 2 — Choose Notices & Tap on Create


After opening Notices, you will be able to see Create button at the bottom. Tap on it. When notices are created, you will be able to see them there.

Notice Page

Step 3 — Fill The Information & Publish


This is the final step of creating a notice. Fill the information that is being asked. Title of the NoticeContent of the Notice. You can also upload a file/pdf related to that notice using Pick.

Create Notice Page


In this guide, we’ve created a notice by using the Principal access, which is also possible for HODs and Class Teachers by using their respective accesses.