How to generate defaulters’ list for a classroom on Bitsmith Classroom Portal?


Login to the Bitsmith classroom portal on your device browser. Make sure that you have Class Teacher access.

Step 1 : Log in using "Class Teacher" Access

You can see Class Teacher access for your classroom. You will see different options including Attendances, Notices, Materials, Students, etc.

Step 2: Select "Attendance" tab

Select the attendance tab and then you can see the option for Defaulters List.

Step 3: Select "Defaulter List" option

After selecting the defaulter list option, you can select the subject and date and go for search attendance.

Step 4: Select "Export" option

Here, you can view the complete defaulters’ list, and we also offer an export option that allows you to directly download the data in an Excel sheet.


Thus we learned how to generate defaulters’ list for  classroom on Bitsmith Classroom Portal.