How to Create New Attendance on Bitsmith Classroom Portal?


Login to the Bitsmith classroom portal on your device browser. Make sure that you have Staff access.

Step 1: Log in using "Staff" Access

You can see staff access for your classroom. You will see different options including Attendances, Assignment, Result, Material,Notice, etc.

Step 2: Click the "Attendance" tab

Click On the attendance tab.

Step 3: Select the "All Attendances" option

Click on the All attendance tab 

Step4: Click on the "New" button.

Click on the new button and then fill in the details and then click on upload.

Step 5: Select on "Create Attendance"

After selecting the upload button a pop-up will be displayed showing the Attendance created.


Thus we learned how to create New attendance in the classroom on Bitsmith Classroom Portal.